
The Art of Travel Hyperlink Site


The Art of Travel, written by Elain de Botton, investigates the act of traveling in all its splendor and in its tribulations. Botton suggests that the value of travel lies in the unappreciated details – the airports, the arguments, the mini-bars and hotel carpets – and that the story of a trip is never a simple narrative.
Inspired by Botton's work, I created a website that allows a reading of The Art of Travel, utilizing a non-linear narrative structure reflective of both the act of traveling, and of the message in Botton's work. The site allows the viewer to traverse Botton's text through sentences catalogued by reoccuring objects and experiences, hyperlinking text pages together. The hyperlink text within each page is replaced by a set of images, encouraging the viewer to form their own unique narrative as they travel through the site. The project was coded in Javascript, and the site can be found at the link above.

Project Role

Developer / Designer


Spring 2018